Woman stepping from boulder to boulder in front of the ocean wearing a hat and glasses

Sound mind’s approach

Transforming Lives, One Mind At A Time

Welcome to Sound Mind Counseling, where specialized mental health treatment meets compassionate care. Our team of mental health professionals is dedicated to meeting you exactly where you are, pinpointing whatever might be keeping you stuck, and moving you toward the life you want. Explore the diverse range of services we offer, each designed to maximize your natural potential and help you recapture a sense of hopefulness, purpose, and joy.

Therapeutic Approach

Immerse yourself in the power of talk therapy. Our clinicians are adept in the art and science of healing through words. Every session is designed to be a safe space, where all the hidden parts of you are free to emerge and find a voice.

Modalities Tailored for You

At Sound Mind, we consider ourselves integrationists. Each of our clinicians, though Psychodynamically oriented, also has expertise in additional modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Practices, Somatic Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and more. We liberally apply theories that we believe will best help individual clients, each of whom responds in their own unique way.

Consistent Care Throughout Your Journey

Personal and responsive care: the best of Sound Mind. From your intake phone call to your first session, and all the way through until treatment is completed, you will feel the support and dedication of our team.

In-Person and Virtual Sessions

Enjoy the flexibility of meeting with your clinician either virtually or in-person at one of our two newly designed office suites in Glenview or Wilmette, IL. Your well-being is our priority, and we know that having choices about where and how you do your work can help drive positive outcomes.

The Office Experience

Step into our warm, welcoming therapy spaces that transcend the conventional. We believe that the environment plays a crucial role in your healing journey so we a created place that combines beauty and comfort, that you’ll love coming to visit time and again.

Mindfulness Lives Here

Our many resident Buddha sculptures are nothing more than a reminder that through mindfulness, we can discover ourselves. We believe in slowing down, experiencing the moment, and finding what riches are waiting for us there.


The Story Behind Sound Mind

Welcome to Sound Mind Counseling, where we are committed to highly personalized and professional mental health care. Founded by Erica Leibrandt, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and passionate mental health advocate, Sound Mind is rooted in intelligence and driven by an understanding of the human experience.

After the passing of her son in 2004– which she and her family only survived thanks to great therapy– Erica began a transformative journey, raising her remaining children while attending Northwestern University so that she might one day create a place where clients could discover for themselves the impact of true mental and emotional healing. Her focus on personal growth and resilience laid the foundation for Sound Mind Counseling- an oasis of exceptional mental health care on the North Shore.

Today, Erica’s goal remains the same: to offer meaningful and effective care to clients who are ready to feel, and do, better. We don’t just treat mental health issues– we work towards elevating people’s lives so they can reconnect with a sense of purpose and joy. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or any of the other challenges of life, Sound Mind Counseling is here to help.


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Life Transitions





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Life Transitions




Dog Therapy

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Take the First Step

Using evidence-based treatment we’ll work with you to develop self-awareness, effective coping skills, and a vision for the future. We will carefully match you with the very best therapist for your needs so you can take your life to the next level.

Meet The Team

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Erica Leibrandt


SMC Founder and Clinical Supervisor

Not Accepting New Clients

About Erica

Hi there! My name is Erica Leibrandt, founder of Sound Mind Counseling. You’ll often hear me say, and this is true, talk therapy changed my life… and it can dramatically improve yours as well.

I believe the best therapists are those who are not just educated in the finest programs but seasoned by the real hardships of life. Someone who can understand on a deeply personal level things like grief, depression, anxiety, trauma, and complicated relationships. I love my job, both as a clinician and as the very first person every potential client at Sound Mind speaks to, because I get to encourage people to heal, grow, and rediscover what makes them amazing.

I was lucky to attend both Loyola and Northwestern Universities and develop my professional identity as a Psychodynamically informed psychotherapist with expertise in mindfulness and Internal Family Systems (IFS). All that’s really just a fancy way of saying I care about all the parts of my client’s lives; past, present, future, mental, emotional, and relational, and I encourage practices that help bring self-awareness into focus.

If you’re ready to get unstuck and start feeling hopeful, empowered, and alive again, reach out. I, and the other talented Sound Mind Counselors, are ready to help you do your work.

Tara Parker

Tara Parker


Adults and Couples

About Tara

Tara is a warm and empathetic professional, who unconditionally supports clients as they consider who they are, what they want for themselves, and what is meaningful in their lives. She is a depth-oriented clinician helping clients get at the heart of their issues to cultivate the self-awareness needed to create long-lasting change and transformation in their lives. She believes that the most effective way to engender meaningful growth requires being willing to discover and connect with one’s soul’s longing and purpose.

Doubly educated as both a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and as a Professional Counselor, Tara is also trained and certified in the treatment of trauma. She loves working with all adults but has a special place in her heart for inspiring couples to recapture the love that originally brought them together— or helping them sort out that it’s time to move on.

With over twenty years of experience as a yoga teacher, Tara brings not just clinical expertise to Sound Mind Counseling but offers expansive knowledge to her clients on how to use mindfulness and the yogic perspective to manage and heal anxiety and depression in their daily life. Like me, Tara credits great therapy with putting her on the path to personal fulfillment, and she is eager to share that gift with others.

Kelly Scafidi

Kelly Scafidi


Clinical Supervisor

Children, Families, and Adults

About Kelly

A born empath, Kelly brings unmatched energy and compassion to every client she sees. Specializing in working with children ages three and up dealing with trauma, behavioral issues, anxiety, and depression, she is able to use her warmth and intelligence to create strong therapeutic bonds. This is not easy work, and few people are as skilled as she is with these age groups.

She is not only great with kids, but with their parents too. She understands that every child is part of a family system, and as such, that the whole system should be engaged in the treatment process.

Kelly believes that trust is the foundation of successful therapy, and that each client has highly individualized needs. As a result, she incorporates many different modalities including play and experiential therapy, CBT, and role playing. I never see Kelly happier than when she has a meaningful break through with a client, and is able to help them find their voice and get their lives pointed in a healthier, more joyful direction.

In my opinion, the ultimate test of a pediatric clinician’s excellence is whether or not I’d send my own kids to them. Though they are older now, my kids would have been lucky to have her, and yours will be too.


Jennifer Stranski


Clinical Supervisor

Adolescents and Adults

About Jen

Some people are lucky enough to have a true vocation, and Jen is one of them. She recently shared that she feels “genuinely called” to counseling because she is fascinated by the human condition and deeply appreciates the power of human connection to heal. She believes that with the right therapist, people can begin to see themselves differently and find resources within that they didn’t know they had.

Jen focuses her considerable skill on individuals ages sixteen and up managing life transitions, trauma, relationships, anxiety, and depression. With over 10 years of clinical experience, she has a sharp instinct for what might be holding her clients back, and a gentle but direct hand when it comes to helping them develop the insight required to create change.

She is unwaveringly dedicated to the people with whom she works, and that commitment creates an atmosphere of hope and possibility. Sometimes we just need a place to feel safe with a trusted professional to explore the stuff that keeps us stuck, and Jen is a master at creating that space and welcoming her clients in.

SMC Kaki

Kaki Voss



About Kaki

From the moment you meet Kaki, you understand that you are in the presence of a consummate professional. Her expertise in treating older adult populations dealing with things like grief, troubled relationships, and chronic illness comes both from her personal and her clinical experience. She is uniquely well-rounded culturally, and loves to work with clients of all ethnicities, particularly those of Indian or Hispanic descent.
Kaki believes that therapy provides much more than simple stress relief, but that it cultivates an understanding of “the bigger picture” and ultimately allows clients to get more enjoyment out of life. A natural problem solver, she enjoys helping people put together the pieces of their own puzzle and working together to find solutions to the tough questions that we all have about ourselves.
Kaki is a true psychodynamic therapist and gives clients the chance to examine where they came from, where they are, and where they’re going. Through their work with her, they will develop increased levels of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and the ability to see themselves anew, as the person they are meant to be.

Debbie Levine

Debbie Levine


Adolescents, Adults, and Couples

About Debbie

As soon as I met Debbie, I knew she had to be a part of the Sound Mind Counseling team. She has the hard won wisdom only those who have endured (and survived!) the ups and downs of life can have. As someone who values personal as much as professional experience, I knew that she would be able to connect with, guide, and inspire clients. Debbie uses CBT and DBT therapies to encourage people to reframe issues in ways that might never have occurred to them before. The reward for her, she says, is “those lightbulb moments when everything clicks and we find new ways to solve old problems.”

She helps clients rediscover their own personal strengths, stressing that those strengths are already innately within them, but that sometimes they need an impartial witness to tease them out. As such, she is a great believer in the human spirit, and the ability of people to transcend their circumstances, whatever they may be, to find balance, a return to health, and the chance to live the life they truly want.

Stephanie Warda

Stephanie Warda


Adolescents and Adults

About Stephanie

I wish I’d had a therapist like Stephanie when I was younger! Her calm yet charismatic personality instantly puts clients at ease, allowing them to let down their defenses so they can start unraveling the riddle of why they are there in the first place.

It takes a certain kind of person to do this work with teens and even young adults, who are used to keeping their cards close to the vest for fear of being judged, ridiculed, or simply not believed. With extensive experience as a school counselor, she has firsthand knowledge of the spectrum of issues that kids face today. She encourages families to get involved with treatment and hones in on communication, behavioral health, skill building, self-esteem, and social/emotional health.

Uniquely informed by her Assyrian background, she will (rightly) say that her multiculturalism is one of her strongest assets. Rooted in a CBT, Person-Centered/Strengths Based, and Mindfulness approach, she aims to empower clients to make the “unconscious conscious”, build self-awareness, and encourage creative change.

Stefanie Tselos

Stefanie Tselos


Adolescents and Young Adults

About Stefanie

As soulful as she is smart, Stefanie is deeply invested in helping her clients discover themselves. She believes in alchemy and the power of counseling, having experienced it both personally and professionally.

Her own time in therapy, she says, “has greatly enhanced [her] self-awareness, empathy, and sensitivity as a counselor” and her optimism and approachability make for easy connections with clients, who are able to let their guard down and get to work on what matters.

Stefanie focuses her considerable skill on helping adolescents and emerging adults with anxiety and depression. She understands what makes young people tick and the specific challenges they face in a world filled with social dissonance, the constant presence of technology, and the stressors associated with engaging in healthy, meaningful relationships as well as the struggle to find one’s true purpose.

Though she is grounded in Psychodynamic Therapy, she also pulls from Motivational Interviewing (which we have found is a great modality to help clients in this age group clarify their wants and needs and get moving in the right direction) as well as Narrative Therapy (another excellent age specific treatment that helps kids and emerging adults become the “heroes of their own story).

Debra Berth

Debra Berth


Young Adults, Adults, and Seniors

About Debra

Hailing from the University of Chicago, where she received her master’s degree in social work, Debra is a gifted clinician whose diverse experiences, both in her own life and in her career, enable her to bring a wealth of insight to her clients.

Skilled in several therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Somatic (or mind-body) Therapies, and mindfulness techniques, she is also an expert in all manner of applications of CBD, including its use to manage chronic illness and anxiety.

Debra believes that “the best way out is always through” (Robert Frost) and knows firsthand that therapy can help move us past our most painful and confusing moments in ways that not only help us grow but fill us with a sense of possibility. Adults of all ages who are feeling stuck in grief, toxic behaviors or relationships, unproductive thought patterns, or overwhelming emotions will find Debra’s intelligence and compassion to be powerful agents of change.

Ali Charnov

Ali Charnov


Children, Adolescents and Adults

About Ali

Every therapist has a unique story about how they came to counseling, and Ali Charnov is no exception. After the tragic death of her brother Scott in 2016, she was fortunate enough to receive the kind of care and support that inspired her to evolve from being a non-profit professional to her higher calling; working one-on-one with clients of all ages to help them improve their lives. She understands pain because she’s been there, and she is eager to share all that she has learned about healing.

Of course, it’s not just surviving the challenges of life that forge a great clinician; exceptional training plays a huge role as well. A proud graduate of both The University of Illinois and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Ali’s credentials are outstanding, not the least of which are her six plus years of service with Experience Camps, an organization that helps kids and families process grief. Her skills include CBT, ACT, Strengths Based, and Mindfulness approaches, all proven modalities which she uses to create treatment plans customized for her clients. When seeing children and adolescents, she welcomes parents as an integral part of the process, and weaves in art and play therapy as well as somatic interventions where appropriate.

With Ali, you will find a level of care and dedication which sets her apart and sets the stage for real growth and transformation.

Julie Adler

Julie Adler


Adolescents, Adults, and Couples

About Julie

When I first spoke to Julie about writing this bio, she emphasized that “cookie cutter” is not in her vocabulary. This didn’t surprise me, given her complex and dynamic professional and educative experience, and her obvious appreciation for all things out of the ordinary… including people and ideas.

She recently shared a quote with me that described therapy as “more of an art than a science,” which I believe captures her nuanced approach to her work. Outside of diagnostics and other typical measures that are used to gauge mental health, Julie leaves room for the mysteries of being human. She will also say that her therapeutic style “is steeped in humility – cultural humility and personal humility,” and that [her] clinical practice is informed by existential thinking. Why is this happening? How can I survive? What does it mean?”

Julie believes in the power of lived experience in learning: whether it’s by creating a learning expedition in Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, or, more significantly, by having navigated disability, health, and healing for the last 20 years while also being a mom. As such, she has expertise in a broad range of issues including chronic illness, neurodivergence, parenting, spiritual exploration, queer populations, trauma, grief, and relationships, and is also the proud companion to therapy dog Reggie.

Hafsa Ahsan

Hafsa Ahsan


Adults, Seniors, and Couples

About Hafsa

When I asked what called Hafsa to counseling, she immediately reflected on her upbringing as a daughter of immigrants, who grew up in Malaysia. Her parents, both professors, believed, as she does, “that all people on our planet have the right to self-love and self-compassion, and it is an honor to support anyone who strives to get there.” This belief is reflected in her warm and patient character, backed up by frank intelligence.

Hafsa favors an integrationist style that lends itself to customizing treatment for each of her clients who range in age from emerging adults to seniors, and includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure and Response Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Nature and Somatic Therapies. For couples, she draws upon her Gottman training, a powerful and effective modality that helps get clients unstuck from destructive communication styles and behaviors. For all who are interested, she is also glad to share her considerable knowledge of Silva Method meditation.

Unwaveringly dedicated to her work, Hafsa creates the kind of non-judgmental atmosphere that allows clients to take stock of whatever might be holding them back and work towards finding the best way forward.

Mansi Headshot

Mansi Mehta


Children, Adults, Seniors, Families, and Couples

About Mansi

The first person who told me about Mansi, a mutual colleague, described her as “magical”, a description with which I wholeheartedly agree. Aside from her professional accomplishments- and there are many- including the completion of her Master of Arts in Clinical Social Work at the University of Chicago to her service as a middle school English teacher, her non-profit work with victims of natural disasters, and formerly incarcerated individuals, and her therapeutic experience supporting perinatal women, she has a wise and peaceful energy that sets people at ease. 

Raised with a spiritual background in Eastern philosophy, Mansi incorporates mindfulness into her personal and professional life. That, combined with extensive global travel, and a “natural curiosity and desire to get to know people”, as well as her distinct clinical perspective which combines the research and practice of the new modality C-DBT, make her a singular and dynamic therapist.

When asked why she was called to counseling, Mansi said, “I want to facilitate the process of others’ recognition of their own worth and mattering- there is nothing more meaningful and rewarding to me because we all want to matter and belong, which makes us human.” 

Regardless of who it may be, Mansi uses her empathy and intelligence to partner with clients and find real growth, resilience, and a sense of possibility.

Katie Bodkin

Katie Bodkin


Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

About Katie

Katie comes to Sound Mind Counseling via my alma mater, Northwestern University, which boasts one of the finest master’s in counseling programs in the world. Though she has been trained in psychodynamic therapy, she believes, like I do, that different modalities should be liberally integrated into treatment to customize each client’s experience. To that end, she is skilled in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), both of which lend dimension and flexibility to her work.

In addition to being proficient in the art of counseling young people, Katie is an accomplished musician, which informs her creative approach to clients, especially children. Empathetic and wise for her age, you will find her to be completely dedicated to helping those who come to her transcend themselves.

Maureen Crowe

Maureen Crowe


Children, Adolescents, Adults, and Couples

About Maureen

Maureen comes to Sound Mind Counseling as a second career therapist. With extensive experience in schools and special education, her ability to form strong nurturing relationships with others was critical to her excellence in that role. Her transition to counseling was a natural progression for someone who wishes to continue working alongside those who seek to improve their lives through self-awareness.

Maureen notes that she has an “innate talent for connecting with people and a curiosity to uncover their stories and strengths,” which is exactly the reason I asked her to join our team. Within moments of meeting her, clients find themselves surprisingly at ease, and able to start unpacking whatever it is that has brought them there. She knows that “each of us has a story” and that it is understanding, accepting, and transcending our stories that help get us to the next chapter of our lives.

Maureen’s life experience as a wife, mom, and working woman make her well-suited to counseling people of all ages. Under her care, you can develop the insight and the courage to tackle the issues that are weighing you down, and allow you to move into a happier, more productive, and more centered place.

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Megan Nick


Adults and Couples

About Megan

As a mom and a second career therapist with an extensive corporate background, Megan’s ability to relate to others is far-reaching. She has experienced firsthand the depths of grief and the challenges of standing by someone she loves who is suffering from a chronic illness. What sets her apart is not, however, her ability to survive these tough times, but her adamance that something positive can come from them. She has an unwavering belief that it is possible— and necessary– to make meaning of our lives, something she helps her clients do with compassion and intelligence. 

At heart, Megan is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT) because she loves “to challenge cognitive distortions and help people learn to recognize when their thinking is causing them more pain than necessary”. She combines that with Narrative Therapy “to externalize [her] client’s problems; deconstructing existing narratives to put them back in control of their own stories”. 

Megan’s work with adults of all ages as well as couples is characterized by her wish to meet people exactly where they are, and the attitude that everyone is the true expert on themselves. With her, clients will realize that meaningful change is within reach, and find the confidence and insight to create it. 

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Rosy Kim


Adolescents, Adults, and Couples

About Rosy

Trained in Integrative Systemic Therapy (IST) in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Northwestern University, Rosy believes that “we are all connected and influenced by our interpersonal relationships, family, community, and culture”.

This idea of connectedness extends to the relationship between her and her clients, with whom she establishes a warm and easy rapport right out of the gate. Her strengths-based and solution-focused perspective means that she collaborates with them to build on what’s been working and understand the unconscious patterns and belief systems that have been holding them back. This approach lends itself well to adolescents and adults of all ages dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, and of course, relationships, as well as couples who find themselves stuck in counterproductive cycles and who are trying to find that all-important work-life balance. 

Rosy’s international background, which includes residency in the U.S., Seoul, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur, as well as travel to over 40 countries including North Korea, and her multilingual ability (English- Native, Korean, and Mandarin) add to her unique orientation, as does her high-level corporate experience. She is someone who readily sees the complexities of the human condition and has the wisdom to interpret them. She says, “I genuinely appreciate people’s stories, and the level of depth and diversity of experiences we all possess never ceases to amaze me”. 

Theresa Cheriachangel

Theresa Cheriachangel

Clinical Intern

Adolescents and Adults

About Theresa

Theresa is an accomplished participant in the highly esteemed Northwestern University master’s in counseling program, and I am proud to have another fellow Wildcat on the team! Her depth of wisdom comes from a wide array of rich personal experiences which have set the stage for understanding the complex psychological dimensions of both her and her clients.

Like all of us here at Sound Mind Counseling, Theresa is, at heart, a psychodynamic clinician, but she also loves to incorporate EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and IFS (Internal Family Systems Therapy). These modalities focus on the development of emotional intelligence and are especially helpful for those who are recovering from trauma, both personal and intergenerational. Theresa is as invested in helping her clients do their work as anyone I have ever seen, and I connect people to her with the utmost confidence.

Kristin Hovious

Kristin Hovious

Clinical Intern

Children, Adolescents, and Adults

About Kristin

Kristin Hovious, author (“Our Brain Book” and “Nuetro Libro del Cerebro”), certified Positive Discipline Trainer, and the founder of SEL Chicago is not your typical intern. Training to become a therapist seemed like the next logical step in a decades-long pursuit of helping others, as well as herself, find optimal mental, physical, and emotional health. Kristin combines CBT with attachment-based and internal family systems therapies, aiming to provide clients with a holistic and comprehensive healing experience.


Kristin’s personal experiences have deeply influenced her counseling work. As a former educator, social-emotional learning specialist, and mother of a neurodivergent child, she has gained invaluable insight into the complexities of growth and development, parenthood, and family dynamics. Kristin’s capacity for deep listening and her skill in helping clients build reflection and relationship skills enable her to create safe spaces where individuals can explore their emotions, regulate their behaviors, and foster confidence within themselves as well as connection to others.

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Rachel He

Clinical Intern

Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

About Rachel

Another bright and dedicated clinician from Northwestern University, Rachel He adds an important cultural and generational perspective to Sound Mind Counseling. Her work with children, adolescents, and young adults is focused on advocacy, and helping those who may not have a voice find one. 

Young people are often at the mercy of their circumstances but with the help of a trusted adult, she believes they can begin to develop their inner resources by better understanding communication skills, personal strengths, relationships, and values in age-appropriate ways.

Rachel has particular expertise in and compassion for Asian American populations, multilingual and/or POC children, and those dealing with the daily challenges of learning disorders and neurodiversity. Her training in Psychodynamics, as well as an understanding of epigenetics, Internal Family Systems, and her holistic approach, lend themselves to customized care.

More important than any of the above, however, is her genuine drive to be a supporter and friend to those who come to her for help. Rachel knows, like all of us here at SMC, what a huge impact great therapy can make, and she is on a mission to provide it.

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Natalie Shafer

Clinical Intern

Young Adults, Adults, and Seniors

About Natalie

When I first met Natalie, I knew she was a kindred spirit. Between her 20-plus years of experience in food in nutrition marketing, her background as a certified yoga instructor and working mom, and her Northwestern University affiliation, we have a lot in common! 

Natalie believes that “our connection to the world and those around us is what defines the human experience” and that “relationships with others can help advance a healthy sense of self”. This is especially true of the therapeutic relationship, where kindness, empathy, and understanding are the building blocks for growth. 

As most of us here at SMC are, Natalie is Psychodynamically informed, but she also loves to incorporate a Person Centered approach and the premise of “unconditional positive regard”. I agree that this is a sacred principle for clinicians, wherein no matter what our clients bring forward, we maintain an attitude of deep compassion.

Natalie is most excited to help the adults and seniors with whom she works to find balance, and reconnect with all the possibilities for joy and optimism that are within each of us.

stephanie cesna

Stephanie Cesna

MSW, Clinical Intern

Adults and Seniors

About Stephanie

Stephanie comes to Sound Mind Counseling by way of our robust relationship with the elite Northwestern University Master’s in Counseling program. She began her professional life in the corporate world, raised a beautiful family, and then, when the pandemic hit, decided she wanted something more. She came to understand, as a measure of the difficulties of that time, that “everyone is vulnerable to mental health challenges. That it isn’t a sign of weakness- it means we are all human, and our thoughts and feelings can be complicated to handle on our own”.

Stephanie is trained in Psychodynamics, and as such, emphasizes understanding the attachment styles, trauma, and family history of her clients, and how those impact their relationships and self-understanding today. Her own experience as a first-generation American who has seen the fallout of intergenerational trauma lends depth to her work. Helping clients expose and redefine the self-limiting personal and cultural beliefs that keep them stuck is her definition of success. It doesn’t hurt that she is also a warm and engaging person, with whom people universally connect!

As with all of our NU Clinical Interns and second-career therapists, you will find Stephanie to be a highly intelligent and devoted clinician, with whom you may begin to piece together the endlessly fascinating puzzle of your truest self.

MJ King

MJ King

Office Manager

About MJ

MJ is the glue that keeps Sound Mind Counseling together. She has been by my side for five years, lending her sharp eye and intelligence to everything that is beyond my reach. Her skill in all things organizational is outpaced only by her fine and compassionate character.

Erica and the two therapy dogs, Bhodi and Enzo

Bhodi and Enzo

Therapy Dogs in Training

About Bhodi & Enzo

Like lots of people, I credit animals for helping me stay mentally healthy, and there is nothing quite like pure dog love to alleviate depression and anxiety!

After losing my beloved therapy dog Bruno, a big German Shepherd with an old soul with whom I practiced until his passing in 2019, I rescued Bhodi and Enzo, two White Swiss Shepherd puppies, to help take his place. As energetic as they are, it’s taken a bit longer than I anticipated to bring them into the office! Nevertheless, I know that with hard work and patience, they will soon be ready to join me as I work with clients and bring them that spontaneous sense of joy that they bring to me.

Meanwhile, Sound Mind Counseling is a dog-friendly space, and any client who wishes to visit us with their pet (assuming they are friendly) is always welcome!

Proudly Partnering With

Sound Mind Counseling is proud to serve as a clinical training site for Northwestern University’s Master’s in Counseling program. Recognized as one of the finest such programs in the country, participants come to Sound Mind for mentorship with Northwestern alum and SMC founder Erica Leibrandt, where they are provided with the insight and guidance needed to excel in their chosen profession. These students are available to work with clients who do not have insurance coverage or who are experiencing financial hardship for sliding scale fees.

Covenant Medical Group

The relationship between Covenant Medical Group and Sound Mind Counseling dates back to Sound Mind’s inception. As like-minded local businesses whose attention to their patients is both highly professional and truly personal, they work together to make sure the people who reach out to them don’t just have the best medical care, but the best mental health care too.

Catch is Community

Catch is Community founder Amy Oberholtzer is dedicated to raising awareness about adolescent mental health on the North Shore. Her tireless efforts include frequent educational programs, many of which she has invited Sound Mind Counseling to facilitate. Their mutual respect and drive to make optimal mental health available to teens has forged a strong bond.

Vi at the Glen

The gold standard for senior living in Glenview, Vi at the Glen has partnered with Sound Mind Counseling as the sole provider of mental health care for its residents. Sound Mind clinicians offer in-house, virtual, and in-office therapy to those at the Vi who need support for the unique challenges of aging.

Paws for Patrick

Another fantastic local non-profit, Paws for Patrick– in addition to raising awareness of adolescent mental health issues- helps teens in need do therapeutic work with trained service animals. Founded by Fronzie Heitman Roemer in memory of her son Patrick, this organization partners with volunteers to bring therapy dogs into the Sound Mind space. Though we have some of our own therapy dogs on “staff”, we are eternally grateful to Paws for Patrick for filling in the gaps.

Our SPace

The Gallery

Your opportunity for meaningful change

Reaching Out For Help Is Smart

If you’re here, something in your life isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s vague— you can’t relax and nothing much brings you pleasure anymore. Maybe it’s more specific— your job, your relationships, trauma, or chronic health issues.

At Sound Mind Counseling we are experts in unraveling what’s bothering you and finding real solutions. We’ll dig deep to root out old hurts, identify self-limiting beliefs, and pinpoint counterproductive behaviors to transform them into sources of personal strength.

Suzy C

Erica has an uncanny knack for understanding what you might be dealing with in your life. Furthermore, she has an even more uncanny knack for helping you figure out how you might amend your thinking and your actions. She doesn't do the work for you and she expects you to be fully invested in your own work. She is forthright but at the same time empathetic, calm and compassionate. I have known Erica for a long time. She brings a lot of life experience and wisdom to her practice. She can help you in your search for positive change to benefit how you live your life well.

Monica D

Everyone I spoke to was friendly, caring, and helpful. The therapist we selected got back to us promptly and the intake process was fast and easy. We were able to make an appointment with the therapist of our choice within a week. My son’s first session went smoothly and he found it helpful and is looking forward to continuing. Thank you for making the “getting started” process seamless.

Jennifer L

Sound Mind Counseling is a safe place mentally and physically. It’s very clean and comfortable as well as outstanding therapists who‘ve helped me work on myself and all my childhood traumas. Highly recommended for any therapy needs.

Kerianne S

Sound Mind Counseling changed my life! I have been in therapy for years but was never successful until I met Erica! She really helped fine-tune what I need to look at within myself and the best ways to help me. I have never felt so great about myself and where I’m going in my life and am so thankful that I found Erica. She is so wonderful and has amazing tools to help get you where you want to be. I am forever grateful for the work I got to do on myself with her guidance!

Hilary S

Erica’s counseling and guidance has seen my teenage son through many life changes and challenges. Erica has made her sessions a safe place for my son to share and express his feelings. She also guides parents on how to support their children and is willing to work with changing schedules to accommodate sessions. I recommend Erica’s services to all; children, teenagers and adults.

Michael L

I would highly recommend Erica Leibrandt and her practice. She helped me through what I thought was only a work stress related breakdown and uncovered deeper attachment issues from my early childhood. Initially, I was avoidant of our sessions. 2 years later, I look forward to them like visiting a best friend, one that supports you but also points out you nonsense. She's an intelligent, compassionate, well-read, prolific, professional, patient, and a passionate dog-loving person. Namaste!

Phoenix R

I love Erica. She is so nice and funny. I like that she doesn’t sugercoat things and tells you what you need to know. I love that she lets me bring my ESA with me because he helps me so mich. Erica has helped me a lot with writing and my mental health. Erica has definitely helped me in the few months we have been working with eachother.


Erica is the 4th counselor I’ve seen over several years and can honestly say the last! I finally feel like I’m moving forward and healing! Her ability to make you understand and adjust our feelings and outlook is incredible. I’d highly recommend her and Sound Mind Counseling!

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The team at Sound Mind Counseling can help you build self-esteem, gain clarity and focus, resolve conflicts, learn skills to manage your mood, and create a vision for the future. Call today to get started

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