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2 Ways To Support the People That You Love Meaningfully
Have you ever had someone come to you in distress; crying, maybe shut down, in pain, or even disassociated, and you wanted badly wanted to help but didn’t know how?
I lie in bed, a band of pain across my forehead
My heart feels like a crowd of people stomping their feet. I am exhausted but I can’t sleep. It is 1:00 am, 2:00 am, 3:00 am, 5:00 am, 7:00 am. I toss and twist in sweat soaked sheets. But this isn’t the worst of it, not by far.
Why is it so hard for some of us to stop doing things we don’t want to do, and making commitments we don’t want to make?
Why can’t many of us stop worrying about what other people think, and bending over backwards to make sure everyone else is okay?
Three Things All Great Therapists Do (That Most Other People in Our Lives Can’t)
What is it that makes therapy so magical? Or if not magical, at least unique— though I’ll always defend its magic based on the many extraordinary things I’ve seen happen because of it.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? How to Figure Out if You Are in a Toxic Relationship
Why is it that there are so few “happy” marriages or partnerships in the world? In this age of information, improved mental health care, and…
How to Discover Your Deepest Desire & Begin to Make Positive Changes Today
I write to you from the fog of Christmas just past, that legendary week where no one seems to know the day, the time, or whether to eat, sleep, or repent.
Why we have Anxiety & 3 ways we can Make it Better
I’ve had anxiety since I thought peanut butter and Fluff made a great sandwich.
Why we Fall in Love with Terrible People (& How to Avoid It)
What percentage of romantic partnerships would you consider happy?
22 Questions to help us Find Out how Healthy we Are—or Aren’t
Total Wellness Quiz
The Prison of Codependence & How to Free Ourselves
To what degree do people feel one another’s emotions? If you’re an empath, you may experience them almost as intensely—or sometimes more intensely—than your own.
Tame Anxiety with this Effective (& Slightly Unusual) Mindfulness Technique
Our egos, like all things human, evolved as a survival mechanism to protect us from danger and maximize our strengths and potential.
The 90-Second Way to Neutralize “Lizard Brain” Toxic Interactions.
Have you ever been in a conversation that seems to spiral out of control no matter how hard you try to keep yourself and others calm?
Please Do Not Reply: 9 Ways to Support People who are Grieving
When he died, I was new to death. Like many Americans, I had only really experienced the deaths of my grandparents…
One Simple Question to Help us Better Understand our Mental Health
Everyone seems to be talking about mental health these days, and it’s about damn time.
Kick Depression & Anxiety in the Butt: Find your Purpose-Driven Life Task
Dedicated to M.L.
If you Suck at Making the “Right” Choice (Big, Little & Everything in Between), this is what you Need to Remember
“Life is a series of choices.”
How to Tell the Difference Between Social Anxiety & Introversion
Here are some things that cause me a great deal of anxiety: Ringing phones, ringing doorbells, being introduced to people, figuring out what to wear when I leave the house…
How to Stop Playing the Blame Game
Sometimes it seems like there are two kinds of people in the world: those who blame themselves for everything, and those who blame everything on everybody else.
How Talk Therapy Works & Why We Should Try it
Once considered radical, in the last 30 years talk therapy has become an accepted treatment for countless maladies ranging from…
“How could you Not Want Kids?” — One Mom’s Perspective.
“Child-free is easy, the difficult part is other people’s opinions.” ~ Anonymous
How Black-&-White Thinking Trips us Up—& Keeps us from our Goals
It seems to be a distinctly American form of self-sabotage: the trap of black-and-white thinking.
Compassionate Communication: 7 Effective Ways to be a Better Partner, Parent & Friend
Have you ever caught yourself “listening” to someone and wishing they would just get to the point because you have something really important to say?
Can’t Fight This Feeling: How to Handle Your Own & Other People’s Emotions Better
Emotions—they are the primal goop in which we live our lives, running like a sticky undercurrent beneath all the other parts of us, the physical, the relational, the behavioral.
Before he Died, I Didn’t Truly Know what Grief Was
“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” ~ C.S…
A Practical Way Anyone can make a Major Life Change
Some of the best advice I ever got came from the wonderful book Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. She was discussing the business of writing novels…
A Brief Guide to Shadow Work — & How to Befriend Ourselves.
What experiences, emotions, and beliefs from the past linger and hover, ghost-like, as we go about the business of living, coloring everything we see with a tint that is uniquely ours, and which is in some ways wonderful, and in others, painfully limiting?
8 Unusual Ways to get Better Therapy
People often don’t know what to expect from therapy, or what is expected of them. While it is true that counselors…
8 Tools to Get us Back on Track when Criticism tries to Derail Us
It never fails: I’ll be going along having a nice day, feeling pretty decent about myself when out of the blue—boom!
4 Surprising Ways we can Move Toward Happiness Right Now
Is there an abundance of it in your life, or does it seem like, given all you have, you should probably be feeling it a little bit more?
Reasons People don’t Reach Out for Help with Mental Health
I am a psychotherapist and I believe
in the power of talk therapy—it has,
after all, saved my life…
“But He Never Laid a Hand on Me…”— Understanding Emotional Abuse
Many years ago, in my 20s, I was in an abusive relationship—but it never would have occurred to me to call it that because my abuser never laid a hand on me.
Summertime Parenting: Steps You Can Take Now to Prepare for What’s Next
Ah, summer! Time for sunburns and bike rides, fireflies and driving around with the windows down. We live for summer’s easy routine and break from the grind, and even if we’re still working (because of course we are, if we have children, we’re always working) it seems different somehow— the light is softer, the days are longer.
How to Avoid the Sociopath Next Door
My sociopath latched onto me when I was young, mesmerizing me with the characteristic charm of his people…
How to Make the Most Out of Virtual Therapy
When I started working as a psychotherapist, virtual therapy wasn’t even a thing. I met with people in my office where we sat together in a safe and private space to talk about all things human.
How to Align our own Stars—& Fill our Lives with Meaning & Purpose in 2022
As a psychotherapist, I have noticed that the one factor which most accurately predicts increased feelings of satisfaction in my client’s lives is a sense of purpose, and that the lack of it equally accurately predicts the opposite—depression, hopelessness, and anxiety…
Page by Page: The Practical Way Anyone Can Make a Major Life Change
Some of the best advice I ever got came from the wonderful book Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott. She was discussing the business of writing novels, and how daunting a task it is to anyone with a shred of humility…
Why I Tried Ketamine & What Happened When I Did
What is Ketamine? Ketamine is a tranquilizer, which, at a certain dose, produces hallucinatory effects…but the science behind its impact on the human brain is still unclear. As Dr. Patel, my acting physician and founder of Midwest Ketamine Center told me during our first conversation…
Listening is a Superpower: How to be a Better Partner, Parent & Friend.
Years ago when I decided I wanted to become a therapist, I applied with great anticipation to the esteemed Northwestern University master’s program…
Attachment Trauma: What It Is and Why You Should Know About It
Would it surprise you to know that your relationships with your primary caregivers in infancy and childhood determine, with frightening accuracy, what your relationships will look like for the rest of your life?
How to Turn Down the Volume on your Inner Body Critic & Empower Yourself (For Real).
How to Turn Down the Volume on your Inner Body Critic & Empower Yourself (For Real). I’ve always wanted to be perfect. Even when it was sagely pointed out to me that perfection is an illusion, I have persisted.
Your opportunity for meaningful change
Reaching Out For Help Is Smart
If you’re here, something in your life isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s vague— you can’t relax and nothing much brings you pleasure anymore. Maybe it’s more specific— your job, your relationships, trauma, or chronic health issues.
At Sound Mind Counseling we are experts in unraveling what’s bothering you and finding real solutions. We’ll dig deep to root out old hurts, identify self-limiting beliefs, and pinpoint counterproductive behaviors to transform them into sources of personal strength.
The team at Sound Mind Counseling can help you build self-esteem, gain clarity and focus, resolve conflicts, learn skills to manage your mood, and create a vision for the future. Call today to get started
Erica has an uncanny knack for understanding what you might be dealing with in your life. Furthermore, she has an even more uncanny knack for helping you figure out how you might amend your thinking and your actions. She doesn't do the work for you and she expects you to be fully invested in your own work. She is forthright but at the same time empathetic, calm and compassionate. I have known Erica for a long time. She brings a lot of life experience and wisdom to her practice. She can help you in your search for positive change to benefit how you live your life well.